A Social Event...
A social event for members of the
Musical Watch Veteran Car Club of Brescia (also the organisers of the historic Mille Miglia).
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The car with which CarsfromItaly participated : a 1972 Alfa Romeo 1300 Junior Spider. It functioned perfectly
despite struggling on ascent and suffering from a very long brake pedal on the descent.........
The oldest car which took part in the event was this Ansaldo 4C. Here it is seen starting the 'competitive' section. |
The 'competitive' section comprised two tests, the first being three golfballs (a form of minigolf).........
The second test used three darts........... |
The competitors then had to return to the starting point. The entire competitive section had to
be completed in exactly 1'15", measured using a pressure sensor. The winner had an error of 1/100th of a second, CarsfromItaly were a massive 60/100th's
Some entrants brought the entire family along, whilst others completed the event on their own... |
Some other cars which took part included a Lancia Appia Coupé by Pininfarina,
a Fiat 1100 Turismo Veloce,
a second series Fiat 124 Coupé, |
several Lancia Fulvia Coupé's,
a Fiat 1100 TV Coupé by Pininfarina
and two Dino's, a GT and a GTS.
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