The Stanga family (the three brothers were Gianfranco, Sandro and Camillo) was another constructor of small competition cars in the early 1950's. For the 1949 Mille Miglia they prepared a car for themselves using Fiat 500 mechanicals with a Siata cylinder-head. Finishing that race they were motivated to improve their mount for the following year, which comprised a tubular chassis from Gilco, a body by Motto, a Giannini engine and a Siata cylinder-head.
A small number of similar cars were built, generally using the formula of a tubular chassis with a dohc Giannini engine, although the last car they built used the mechanicals from the Fiat 600. Although most of their cars were open two-seaters a few coupés were also built, with the bodies generally by Motto.
The last car they constructed emerged in 1956 after which the brothers went on to compete in other vehicles.
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